A Mantra for Success
In the quest for writing excellence, there's a popular mantra: "Trust the process and get out of the way." But here’s the twist – before you can trust the process, you need to create one that aligns with your unique vision and goals. So lets explore the significance of developing a personal writing process and trusting not just the process, but also yourself.
Developing a Personalized Process
The cornerstone of successful writing lies in establishing a process or systems that resonate with you. It’s not about adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, but about finding what works specifically for you. Are you a morning writer or a night owl? Do you thrive on detailed outlines, or do you prefer letting the story unfold organically? Understanding and embracing your personal writing style is the first step towards building a process you can trust.

Harnessing the Energy of Your Story
Every story has its own energy, a unique pulse that beats through its narrative. As writers, our job is to tap into this energy and let it guide us. It’s like asking, “What is the story that is trying to be told through me?” Once you connect with this energy, it’s like hitching your wagon to a powerful force that propels your writing forward. Enjoy the ride; let the story’s momentum carry you.
Embracing Play in Your Writing
When you tap into the story’s energy, you engage in the purest form of creative play. This playfulness is key to keeping your writing vibrant and alive. Trust that your intuition is playful and let it guide your story ideas. Writing then becomes an exploration, a joyful journey of discovery.

Listening to the Universe (or Fortune Cookies)
Sometimes, inspiration strikes in the most unexpected ways. Trust that the universe (or your subconscious, if you're less cosmically inclined) will nudge you in the right direction. And hey, if all else fails, why not write some fortunes for fortune cookies? You might just find your next big idea between "You will come into some money" and "Adventure awaits you."
Trust in Yourself and Your Process
In essence, developing a writing process is about understanding and trusting yourself. It’s about creating a system that aligns with your personal style and goals, then letting your intuitive, playful nature guide your storytelling. Embrace this process, and watch as your writing transforms from a task into a joyous expression of your creativity.