Writing Coach
-- from first idea to first draft--
and a lifetime of writing after thatI'm Josh Samuels and I'm here for writers who are stuck.
I'll help you fall back in love with your creative process.
CELEBRITY MUM is available now!
My first novel is out now in paperback and ebook.
David Hawkes wants nothing more than to quit his law practice and write his second detective novel.
However, on the day he finally quits, his crazy soap opera star mother, Susan Wilde, comes back into his life after a five year absence.
Processing the childhood trauma of a workaholic mother and her adult writer son has never been more hilarious.
CLICK HERE to check it out on Amazon.
Are you feeling blocked and struggling to actually WRITE?
It's a familiar story..
You have a great idea for a script / novel / memoir.
You're so creatively inspired, it makes you feel alive again!
You can see it going GLOBAL in your minds eye – being seen & heard by millions.
when you sit down to put pen to paper and nothing comes out like you want it to.
You're great at starting, but have a hard time finishing anything.
You can't seem to find the time.
Your inner critic is vigilantly watching!
You want to know the end before you get started.
You're afraid your story isn't interesting enough.
Many writers act as if 'good writing' happens by a process of magic, where (under the perfect conditions) they'll just sit down and the right words will flow right out.
But the real problem is that they are thinking too much and doing too little.
I've been there too, and I can help you get your project completed. The methods I teach will serve you in telling a lifetime of great stories. My Story Pathways Program makes the writing process so simple, that it becomes joyful again.
The program is completely tailored to you, and typically includes four stages.
1Solid Foundations
Finding your authentic voice. Defining your story's premise, dilemma, and genre.
Creating characters of conviction, story arcs, and the creative pipeline.
Understanding plotting and narrative flow using the Hero's Journey.
Guiding and supporting you through putting pen to paper.
However Dear Writer, please know...
You won't find any tactics, tricks or short-term fixes here.
I believe in combining the real (inner) work with the practical skill-building it really takes to get through the hard yards of being a productive creative.
With this in mind, I only take on clients who are prepared to stretch themselves and go deeper to embed lasting change.
Get clear on getting unstuck.
I love using my years of experience to help other writers get clear on what they need to do FIRST.
So, I'm offering you 45min of my time to diagnose where you're at and help get your project moving again.
And who is this story wizard?!
Hello! I'm Josh.
Originally from California, I've called Australia/ NZ home for the past 17yrs.
Every day I'm grateful for living a life fuelled by creative play.
hours as a writer, editor, coach & mentor
years as a writer and freelance creative
years of being a coffee snob
degrees completed
readings of Joseph Campbell's 'Hero with a Thousand Faces'
seasons of Seinfeld memorised
chance of referencing Star Wars
My IMBd Credits
Check them out over here: link
What it's like to work with me
You can check out more of my five star reviews on Google!
"When you work with Josh on something, you know the end product is going to be better for it.
He always wants the best idea to win and it doesn't matter where it comes from, which is very freeing, creatively.""I couldn’t think of a safer and more encouraging person to coach me through all the dark matter that writing kicks up."
"Working with Josh was an eye opening, explorative journey.
It was exciting to be both the author and protagonist of my own story.
In a sense, Josh helped me give myself permission to both own my story (past) and design the future to come.""Josh is highly skilled as a writer and this passion comes through in his ability to teach. It is a joy to share ideas with him, as he facilitates growth; both professionally and personally."
"[Working with Josh] ..was a fantastic experience that helped me to realise some of my own creative potential and gave me a lot more confidence to write more stories in the future.
You know so much about writing and storytelling techniques and are so easy to work with!"
"Josh’s playful quick wit puts all interactions at ease. His deeply compassionate and understanding nature is immediately felt.
In a loving and skilful way Josh helps me to clarify, draw out, and refine my own words and understandings.""Josh is patient and inspiring and the exact ingredient I needed for pulling my narrative ideas together."
"Josh is a super experienced writing professional who can offer wise counsel, support and extremely practical advice to writers at any stage of their career."
Drop me an email.
Because your story deserves to be told!
The Experiential Writer's Blog
Reflections on the Art of Writing & Creativity
how to write a screenplay,writing mentor,writing coach,how to write a novel,writing helpactors writing,creative journey,writing mentor,writing journey,writing coachWriting,finishing a novel,how to write a novel,how to write a screenplay,writing mentorMore Posts
Copyright 2024, Josh Samuels.
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