The Importance of Rest in the Creative Process
As we continue to unravel the layers of my creative process, we arrive at a crucial yet often overlooked stage: Conscious Rest. This stage is akin to a musical rest in a composition, offering a necessary pause in the creative symphony. It's about allowing your idea the time to breathe, marinate, and evolve in its own time.
When and How to Practice Conscious Rest
Conscious Rest can be integrated at any point in the writing process, but it's especially beneficial after generating a substantial amount of content, completing a draft, or finishing an edit. It could be as simple as taking a walk without distractions, allowing your mind to wander freely, or as significant as setting aside your draft for a week. However, it's crucial to ensure that this period of rest doesn't morph into a permanent hiatus.
Navigating the Emotional Terrain
During this phase, openness is the key emotion. It's a time to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives that might emerge during this pause. However, this stage is not without its challenges:
- The risk of abandoning the idea entirely.
- Frustration due to the creative process not moving at the desired pace.
- Inertia, where the momentum built up during the writing process begins to wane.

Practices for Effective Conscious Rest
To navigate these challenges, I focus on creating space – both emotional and mental. It's not about ceaselessly generating ideas but giving yourself the permission to step back. Physical movement, like taking long walks, can also be incredibly beneficial, helping to clear the mind and rejuvenate the creative spirit.
Aligning with the Hero’s Journey
The Belly of the Whale (or conscious rest) is a time when ideas are digested, reassembled, and prepared to face new challenges.
Goals and Outcomes of Conscious Rest
The outcomes of this phase are invaluable:
- Feeling recharged and ready to return to the writing process with renewed vigor.
- Allowing space for new ideas and inspirations to seep in, enriching the story.
- Achieving a sense of readiness to tackle the next phase of the creative journey with fresh eyes and a clear mind.
Embracing the Power of Pause