What is Trust?
Trust is a fundamental aspect of the writing journey, especially in developing systems that enhance your craft. These systems, in turn, can further strengthen your trust in yourself as a writer.
It's a beneficial cycle, a positive feedback loop, that propels you towards your writing goals.
Embrace Your Unique Writer Identity
Trust the kind of writer you are, not the writer you think you should be based on others' standards. Every writer has a unique voice and approach. Embrace yours. This isn't about fitting into predefined molds; it's about discovering and trusting your own writing style and process.
Unlocking Your Creative Self
The key to unlocking your potential as a writer lies in writing the way you want to. It's a process of self-discovery, of exploring your preferences, strengths, and quirks. As you write more and more in your unique style, you unlock parts of yourself, which then feed back into your writing.

The journey from a premise to a complete story is a lesson in itself. It teaches you about structuring a novel or book, about how to plot effectively, and about finding the right pacing. Trust in this process is essential. It's through practice and persistence that you learn and grow as a writer.
Finding Your Voice
Trust the process to find your voice. Your writing voice is an authentic expression of who you are, and it develops over time through consistent practice and exploration. Trust that each word you write is a step closer to discovering and refining your unique voice.
Bringing More of “You” into your Writing
Remember, the process of writing is also the process of being yourself. The more you bring your true self to your writing, the more authentic and engaging your work will be. Guidelines can help, but strict rules can be restrictive. It's about finding what works for you.

Embrace the Blank Page
If you have a love-hate relationship with the blank page, try bringing more of yourself into that space.
Your fears, hopes, experiences, and dreams all have a place in your writing.
The blank page isn't just a canvas for your words; it's a space for your whole self.
Trusting Yourself and Your Writing Process
In conclusion, trusting the process of writing and yourself as a writer is vital. It's about developing systems that work for you and allowing them to enhance your trust in your abilities. Embrace your uniqueness, explore your creativity freely, and watch as your writing flourishes. The process of writing is as much about discovering yourself as it is about creating stories.